Care and Feeding of Your Brain

Besides Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) your brain requires other nutrients and exercise for optimal function and longevity.

Brain health is affected by what we eat over time. A brain-healthy diet should be low in refined sugars, processed foods, saturated and trans fats, and include ample amounts of whole grains, nuts, legumes, and, of course, whole fruits and vegetables. The antioxidant power of fruits and vegetables are critical to a strong brain. Antioxidants serve as housekeepers in the body and the brain, cleaning up free radicals—unstable particles that damage healthy cells. Antioxidants help prevent memory loss and keep the communication pathway between brain cells strong by clearing free radicals and preventing future buildup.

The ideal way to obtain your vitamins is from whole foods. The substances in whole foods work synergistically to increase antioxidant activity and provide fiber along with other nutrients you can’t get from pills alone. To keep memory problems at bay, antioxidant vitamins E and C are at the top of the list. Excellent food sources of vitamin E include wheat germ oil, raw sunflower seeds, mango, olives, papaya, almonds,dark leafy greens such as mustard, turnip, spinach, and collard greens. Many people, particularly the elderly, don’t obtain enough vitamin E from diet alone.

Although almost all fruits and veggies contain some vitamin C, the top foods include the tropical papaya, red bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, fresh strawberries and other berries, oranges and other citrus fruits, cantaloupe, kiwi, cauliflower, and kale. Eating these foods raw is best for optimal Vitamin C content.

The B vitamins are also vital to normal brain and nerve function. Vegans and the elderly are at high risk for vitamin B deficiency which may cause cognitive impairment. B Vitamins are prevalent in all foods, in particular: whole grains, eggs, meat fish poultry, dark green vegetables and high colored fruits and vegetables. I recommend a high quality B Complex supplement if the intake of B rich foods are low.

Exercise your brain everyday by learning something new, solving puzzles or problems. Check out online brain forums such as