
Daily movements of the bowel alone cannot be considered evidence of proper bowel function. One such authority on bowel health relayed an experience he had as a medical student. (paraquoted)“300 autopsies were preformed on bodies whose histories indicated 285 had claimed they were not constipated and only 15 had admitted they were constipated. The autopsies showed the opposite to be the case – only 15 were not constipated, while 285 were found to be constipated. Some of the 285 persons had stated that they had as many as 5 or 6 bowel movements daily, yet the autopsies revealed that in some of them, the colon was twelve inches in diameter.  The normal diameter of the colon is 2 to 3 inches.

The average person does not know whether he or she is constipated. Constipation is just one sign of an improperly functioning bowel. A list of some of the symptoms associated with constipation and its resulting systemic autointoxication may help many people decide if constipation is an underlying cause for their health concerns. In no particular order:

Headaches                 Drowsiness                            Back pain

Dementia                   Burning sensation in the face, eyes, hands or feet

Depression                 Forgetfulness                         Lack of concentration

Sensitivity to light     Stupor                                                Pain behind eyes

Indecision                  Sensitivity to noise                Bloating

Melancholy                Fatigue                                   Insanity

Delirium                     Dermatological conditions    Abdominal pain

Dry eyes                     Cataracts                                Tearing eyes

Vision disturbances  Hypertension                         Sinus problems

Abdominal cramps    Hypotension                          Heart arrhythmias

Indigestion                 Appendicitis                           Nausea

Hemorrhoidal pain   Ovarian cysts                         Bad Breath

Tumors                       Body Odor                              Muscle atrophy

Foot odor                    Irritability                              Skin wrinkles

Boils                            Complexion alterations        diarrhea

Flatulence                  Itching                                                Acne

Insomnia                    Posture alterations               Fitful sleep

Clammy skin              Fibrocystic Breasts                Arthritis

Tumors                       Degeneration of organs        Leg pain

Mastitis                       Kidney disorders                  Tonsil troubles

Bladder infections     Twitching of muscles            Bad dreams

This list is by no means complete. However, the information should lead you to note that constipation is at the root of more problems than commonly imagined.