Skin Brushing

I believe skin brushing is one of the finest of all baths. No soap can wash the skin as clean as the new skin you have under the old. You make new skin every 24 hours on the body. The skin will be as clean as the blood is.
Skin brushing removes this top layer. This helps to eliminate uric acid crystals, catarrh and various other acids in the body. The skin should eliminate two pounds of waste acids daily. Keep the skin active. No one can be well wearing clothes unless they brush their skin. The action of the skin brushing also stimulates your lymphatic system, positively supporting it.
Use a natural bristle brush with a long handle so you can reach your back. DO NOT USE A NYLON BRISTLE BRUSH. Use this brush dry, first thing in the morning when you arise before putting on clothes or before your bath or shower.
Always brush towards the heart – from wrist to elbow, elbow to shoulder, ankles to knees, knees to hips and so on. Starting with the soles of your feet, brush vigorously making rotary motions, and massage every part of your body. Press brush against your body as much as you can comfortably stand. Brush in this order: feet first and legs, then hands and arms, the back, abdomen, chest and shoulders.
Brush your skin until it becomes rosy, warm and glowing. The best time to brush is on the morning upon arising and again before bed.
This massage will flake away large amounts of dead skin, freeing the pores of impediments, and in turn, help the skin to excrete poisons. It will also greatly improve circulation. Do not use this technique on areas of the body affected by acne, eczema, or psoriasis. Also avoid brushing areas that are broken or recently scarred, or that have protruding varicose veins. Do not use on neck or face.
1. Every two weeks or so wash your brush with soap and water and dry it in the sun or in a warm place. Your brush will be rapidly filled with impurities. And should be washed regularly.
2. For hygienic reasons, use separate brushes for each member of your family.
3. The scalp should be brushed too. For scalp brushing a good natural bristle brush is a must. Scalp brushing will stimulate growth by increasing blood circulation, and keep scalp clean from dandruff, stale oils and other impurities.
4. The facial skin is too sensitive and is best left alone.
5. If your skin is dry and shows the signs of premature aging, an excellent way to enhance the complexion is to rub or massage your whole body immediately after brushing with nourishing oil such as sesame, almond or avocado oil.

Adapted from ‘Prescription for Nutritional Healing – 2nd Edition’ and ‘Tissue Cleansing through Bowel Management’