Spring Cleaning Your Body

We all want to enjoy good health, both for our families and ourselves.  We want to enjoy our lives, free of acute and chronic diseases.  Many of our illnesses are self-inflicted, the result of “excesses,” inadequate nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles.  While we spend millions of dollars on “disease care”, we forget basic health promotion.  Are you feeling tired or wondering what you can do to be healthier?  Do you want to have more energy, sleep better, and lose weight? Have healthier looking skin and increase vitality?  Spring-cleaning your body is the most important spring cleaning you can do.

One of the reasons we get sick, have limited energy or in general don’t feel well is that toxins build up in our body.  Toxic substances are everywhere – in our air, water, and food.  We live in an environment that is polluted with drugs, food additives and pesticides.  Our bodies also produce waste products from daily metabolic processes and we are subjected to toxic substances when there are bacterial imbalances in our digestive system.  The human body is magnificently designed to cleanse itself automatically without any thought ever needing to be given to the process.  However, we have created a situation in which often far more toxins are taken into the body, and far more metabolic wastes produced by it, than we can effectively get rid of.  Illness can be the result of toxic build-up in our body – be it physical, mental or emotional.  To be healthy, we need to effectively eliminate these substances.

There are many therapies used to effectively detoxify our body and restore proper function.  Homeopathic drainage, hydrotherapy, botanical medicine, modified therapeutic fasting, dietary/lifestyle changes, colonic irrigation, lymphatic drainage, skin brushing and metabolic detoxification using supplements are just a few.

Many people have heard positive testimonies resulting from cleansing.  As a result they dive into a cleanse without properly educating themselves and often have a bad cleansing experience.  It is important to work with someone who has a wide knowledge of many types of cleanses available.  They should know how to prepare for a cleanse, how to lessen a “healing crisis” and how to properly end a cleanse.

Food or diet only cleanses are very restricting, often do not match your lifestyle, and if you should fall off the program for even one day, you must start over again.  For these reasons, I do not often recommend this type of cleanse.

I do recommend cleanses that are supported with homeopathics, supplements and or herbs.  These types of cleanses are often much shorter, less aggressive (so fewer healing crisis) and can be tailored to your lifestyle.  I cannot stress enough the importance of guidance for your cleansing experience with a qualified health professional.  I see too many people who have taken things into their own hands or followed the advice of a store owner and have done irreparable damage.