Are you a mosquito magnet? As odd as it sounds some people are more attractive to mosquitoes than others. You sit outside in the evening and the battle begins. Do you smother yourself with bug juice or begin the swatting game? So, why are some people always the lucky ones? Well, the answer might surprise you.

Mosquitoes are attracted to mild acids, so that means CO2 and lactic acid. We can’t do much about the CO2 we give off as we breathe, but we can do something about excess lactic acid.  People that are high in lactic acid typically have diets that are high in refined carbohydrates and hydrogenated fats. As you know a diet high in refined carbohydrates naturally depletes B vitamins and trace minerals. This promotes an increase of lactic acid. Since the blood can only handle so much, the body uses the skin as a source of elimination.  Think about it. You are sitting around the deck while everyone is laughing and attracting the little guys through the normal metabolism of CO2 expulsion. But, ah ha! Someone in the crowd is a little sweeter due to the excess lactic acid. Who’s the mosquito going to set up their drilling station on?

It’s not only mosquitoes that like lactic acid, fleas seem to favor the same people.  So how do we turn off the mosquito magnet?  Obviously, we want to reduce refined carbs and bad fats and supplement with a B complex that is high in thiamin.  So by making sure that you have all the co-factors necessary for the body to do its job we will not only have less swatting on those summer nights, but you will have more energy all day long.  Of course we want to use the phosphoralated forms of B complex for maximum absorption. I have had a lot of success suggesting Biotics Research Bio B Complex.