Why Cleanse?

Cleanses usually concentrate on the removal of debris from the digestive system. A colon filled, or partially filled, with old fecal matter, is a source of poison to the whole system. The colon has walls, which absorb the contents of the colon. Medical practice demonstrates that nourishment injected into the colon will be absorbed rapidly and carried to the blood. It is almost incredible how long old fecal matter will remain in a constipated colon. Recorded cases show that when the colon is cleaned, among the mass of old fecal matter has been found cherry stones and other matter eaten several months before. Retained debris in the colon leads to the absorption of toxins, resulting in systemic intoxication or poisoning. Symptoms of this condition can include mental confusion, depression, irritability, fatigue, gastrointestinal irregularities, liver troubles, kidney troubles, and even allergic reactions such as hives, sneezing, and coughing
In some people, the colon is impacted with hardened feces, almost as solid as soft coal, to such an extent that their abdomen becomes swollen and hard. Excretion of waste is one of the body’s priorities, regular bowel movements are not an indication you are free from buildup. This old waste matter sometimes becomes so foul that it becomes the breeding place of worms, and even maggots, and the colon is filled with their eggs. (Yes, this is happening here in this country to people that may live right here is this community) The waste matter, or feces, which is passed into the colon from the small intestine, is of a pasty substance, and if the bowels are clear and clean, and the movements natural, it should pass in a state similar to crunchy peanut butter. It should also pass within 24 hours or less of the time eaten; one meal in and one meal out. When sufficient fluids are not taken, and nature’s calls are ignored until a more convenient time, and then forgotten, a drying up and hardening process ensues. When later the movement is had, only a portion of the feces passes out, the balance remaining to clog up the colon. Next day a little more is added, and so on.
How do you get rid of this foul condition and begin to regain your health?
Start changing your eating habits from one of convenience to one of natural, live and good quality. Eat wholesome, mostly raw vegetables and fruit, lots of whole grains, seeds, and nuts, lots of pure water, and cut back on red meat. Eliminate as much as possible your exposure to toxic substances, pollutants, and chemicals. After a minimum of two weeks of this diet change, you can start your cleanse.
See more on cleansing:
• Therapies Used to Cleanse and Detox
• Fasting
• Skin Brushing
• Healing Crises