Michele Kralkay Wellness Services Inc.
Creating An Environment For Optimal Health and Balance
Now available at the clinic are these amazing products?
Xtreme X20
The great thing about Xtreme X2O is that it actually makes the water “wetter” by lowering the surface tension of water molecules, which dramatically increases your water’s ability to hydrate your body at a cellular level.  When pure minerals are added to purified or distilled water in a sachet (“tea bag”) form like Xtreme X2O, the minerals can be ionized efficiently and made available to your body.  (This means the mineral oxides are released in the water to form hydroxide ions (OH-), which increases the pH of the water.)  X2O is an exclusive and unique nature-made mineral complex delivered in an easy-to-use sachet. With countless testimonies from around the world, people are sharing transformations in their personal health that they directly attribute to X2O.  X2O delivers three main benefits: increasing the alkalinity (pH) of your water, optimizing hydration, and revitalizing your body with 70+ essential trace minerals. This simple and amazingly affordable product naturally transforms your water to help you create a positive transformation in your daily health. Plain water is dead. Bring your water back to life with X2O!
Just one sachet of Xtreme X2O adds vital minerals and electrolytes to your water while it helps hydrate you at the cellular level and provide a boost of alkalinity to your body. In fact, Xtreme X2O is powerful enough to transform standard tap water into a much healthier form of water.

Cold and Flu
Several products, both homeopathic and herbal, are now available at the clinic to help you through the cold and flu seasons. Available for both children and adults.  
Contact me at the clinic by calling 306-477-4480 and I would be happy to discuss the positive health advantages with these products.


For information, event bookings or appointment bookings, contact Michele at:


(306) 477-4480

The statements and content included in this website are meant for information and education. Not as a replacement for
conventional medical treatment. Michele is not a medical doctor or a licensed medical practitioner.